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This book has been growing over the past few years. 


It will be on sale later this year. You can pre-order and be the first to receive updates and the book when it is finalised. 


This is a mock cover, so the cover may change. 
The content may vary slightly. 

I will be adding some poems in the book and other surprises!


Here is a taster of the content and my




To all the women who share on social media, how triggers, PTSD and their past are a permanent feature in their life, that can never be resolved, thank you for inspiring me to write this book.  


To my clients for their open hearted honesty in naming what they needed to recover from trauma and abuse, what wasn’t working about past therapies, and showing me how The Essentials MEthod™ could transform more aspects of their lives than I ever imagined. Thank you from the depth of my heart. 


To the divine within me and in all that is, which has shown me how within every ‘problem’, the answer is waiting to be focussed on. 


To the thousands of women and men who have contacted me over my career and shared their stories about trauma, abuse, therapy and recovery, which has contributed to what I  know, and has informed and influenced my theories and the creation of this book.  


Thank you.



Chapter 1 Abuse myths: relationship status checklist & 34 common myths about abuse


Chapter 2 Mis-labelling Secrets: Why You Blame Yourself When You’re Feeling Crazy Making Verbal Emotional Abuse 


Chapter 3 Abuse Secrets: What is the difference between abuse, toxic relationships and healthy relationships and what we don't learn that is vital information about all three. 


Chapter 4 Relationship Secrets:


Chapter 5  Love Secrets: what we never learnt growing up, why we get caught in toxic relationships and choices


Chapter 6 Life Secrets: what we never learnt growing up, why we get caught in toxic relationships and choices


Chapter 7 Therapy Secrets: Why Therapy Is Not Working and it is Obsolete, and what is the Alternative


Chapter 8 Moving On Secrets: The Ultimate Formula for Moving On


Chapter 9 The Essential Secret: Our Inner Journey 

The Truth about Love, Abuse and Therapy


    © 2022 by Anita Bentata Proudly created with

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