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There are many testimonials and reviews about working with Anita. Here are a few.

Most of the reviews are based purely on The Essentials MEthod™ though there are a few to show that through the decades Anita has made a significant difference to peoples lives.


Having a chat with Anita will open more opportunity to transform your life, more than reading about other peoples journeys, so you can know given your situation and past.


Contact Anita today.

Your life and how you feel is precious. You can do more to create change about your past, present and future. 

Anita is clearly answering the call of her vocation as a healer and a force for greater joy, wellbeing and aliveness in the world. 


I am deeply grateful for her personal, authentic care and the depth of her insight. 


Specifically as a 45 year old man, I  found Anita's unique approach to enlivening my associative right brain both touching and inspiring. 


May her work come to benefit more and more people. 


Kaveh Monshat


Working with Anita has helped me so much and transformed my life and how I perceive the world and what is possible.


After participating in one of Anita's programs [emPOWER, the first version of The Essentials MEthod™], I finally felt free from the past, and my friends comment on how peaceful, calm, content and happy I am now.


On several occasions, Anita has helped me move from feeling stuck and emotional about certain situations to experiencing clarity, relief and joy so quickly and easily using her methods.


She has also showed me how to express myself more creatively and create more connection in romantic relationships with her unique approach.


Anita's work is life changing, thakn you Anita!


Sarah Sutton

I am so grateful to Anita for her wisdom and support.


My life has changed so much in a short time after completing the 30 Day Journey program [module one of The Essentials MEthod™].


I have learnt so much from Anita to help me move forward in my life and I feel amazing, joyful and happy. 


Renae Favero

By following Anita's Essentials Method I have felt a real shift internally and as a result externally.


I worked together with Anita for a few months and was able to resolve past events that had been affecting me. Since working with Anita and following her methods I have found a new job that better aligns with myself and my core needs, new friendships and interests.


I am able to follow my feelings more and identify what is in my est interest. I feel more grounded and clear in my decision making process!


Thank you Anita


Rebecca Stokes

I feel bad for those who are still stuck in their past story and trauma patterns. I was lucky to have found the best - Anita Bentata who helped me get out of mine.


Can not thank you enough my angel. I will recommend working with Anita to everyone. 


Sofia Bhatia

Education about Domestic Violence and Moving On, online couse, feedback


"I felt powerful with this knowledge".


"It is jam packed".




"This is helping me understand my past".


"Every woman should attend this course". 

"You're truly my super hero! Always read your posts and your work ethics and perceptions on domestic violence etc are mind blowing! It helps me and my children so much! I'm very grateful for your comments. Lots of love".


Survivor in Europe

"True to Anita's style she captivates you with her sincere honesty in her authentic and kind approach to deciphering what is going on internally and externally. The Wolf in a Suit stops you in your traps. (no pun intended) It is an awakening to what we need to stop, allow and reinforce". 


Anonymous reader 

"Anita Bentata is a truly inspirational speaker, therapist and thought leader. I attended the launch of her book The Wolf in a Suit, where she explained the conscious and unconscious dynamics of abusive relationships. Her insights led me to a new and deeper understanding of why women stay in abusive relationships . Anita's work, experience and insights into domestic abuse are truly life changing. I would encourage everyone to listen and learn from Anita".


Donna McInerney 

"I have attended numerous talks that Anita has facilitated in my local Eastern suburbs precinct of Melbourne, Australia; but the one that takes precedent was the Love talk, because not only did I walk away with a greater undertanding of what wholesome, healthy Love looks and feels like but that I got to witness a young couple be so enlightened and affected by her talk. 


They both struggled with their cultural sense of Love in not only their own personal Love relationships but also the role of Love in a family between children and their parents, and the demands that is placed on the children, that is, to Love unconditionally  and to be selfless.


With Anita's gentle guidance and deep understanding the young couple were able to explore and voice their confusion and were given another map of wholesome, healthy Love. 


Anita is a most warm and loving facilitator that enables a sense of compassion and safety in her talks. 


I highly recommend Anita and continue to support Anita and her heart opening work".


Cristina Zambon

"Anita detected family violence issues (in my clients) that I may not have otherwise found and taught me how to remain open, curious and trusting of my new skills".


Alex Spartels,

registered Counsellor

"Brilliant book by a brilliant lady... I feel this book [The Wolf in a Suit] should be mandatory reading for teenage girls.. god if I had only read it years ago I would've saved myself a lot of misery!"


Nessa Magee

"Such a privilege to meet you at the Conference Anita. Your expertise is certainly what I have been searching for, for a long time. Your information [including, Crazy Making Verbal Emotional Abuse Explained book] and your caring and professional manner has helped me so much , and in such a short time. I'm very grateful".


Norm Whyte

"Your group has been a great support to me thus far to help me navigate my own healing and recovery, as unfortuantely, I have ended up with PTSD due to the FV towards me".


Anonymous Group member

When I first met Anita in June 2020, I was stuck in my past traumas, feeling like a mouse on the wheel and not knowing how to get off it. I have learned so much from this beautiful human... After decades of being stuck; Finally found my freedom. 


Learned it doesn't have to be hard work, exhausting or never ending to move past the pain. 


Really feels like night and day. Life before I did Anita's work and life after!


Wish I had known this 30 years ago! Thank you Anita for your commitment, professionalism, your kind and caring heart... 

Most of all, Thank you for sharing it with others. Heartfelt thanks. Arohanui


Angela McFarlane

"Anita has and is raising community awareness of the pervasiveness of domestic violence throughout Australia. Not only does she help society understand what family violence is, but she also provides women with the knoweldge to assist them in their recovery. Anita thank you for the powerful work you do". 


Community Development Worker, Teacher and single parent, survivor. 


"Anita's contribution to our documentary (Dangerous Dance) has been crucial. Her story maps a heroic journey from victim of family dysfunction and domestic abuse to  becoming a leading therapist and authority in this area. I find she has a clarity and rare ability to explain and describe practical and achievable solutions with optimism and compassion. She helped me change my understanding about the journey of recovery from trauma. Her experience and wisdom are, in my opinion, priceless".


Brendon Stretch, 
Director of documentary,

Dangerous Dance

"Attending talks with Anita speaking has been a "light bulb moment" for me on every occasion. The positives have included coming away with a different perspective on things and less judgement that I am in the wrong or everything is my fault. 


Anita has so much to offer... attending a talk may be the best step forward you could ever take!"


Yolanda Lyons

"Anita is a warm and inviting woman who has guided me in every aspect of my life. I can say I would not be in the most amazing position if it were not for her. She has assisted in my personal and emotional life, guiding me and supporting me through some very tough and tenuous times, with all her experience and knowledge, Anita was able to hold me in a safe and permissable space. Nothing was too much for Anita. I hold Anita in the highest regard, Anita is honest, authentic, loving and will help you find all that you are! I highly recommend working with the wonderful Anita Bentata."


Cristina Zambon

"Anita is an amazing beautiful person who is reshaping women's lives. She not only has done so through her writing, but by getting out there and 'doing', rallying together others to help women in their lives in anyway needed. Through helping each other we not only get the things donewhat we need done, but we can also build beautiful friendships and help bring happiness back into our lives. Thank you Anita for all you've done in my life".


Kerry Arch

"I work full time with women impacted by domestic violence. I have found reading your book, The Wolf in a Suit so helpful to speak up about the uncomfortable and to know what to say. I feel more confident and far more knowledgeable to have important conversations and be there in a real and professional way".


Anonymous reader,

Counsellor/Social Worker

"I'm still reading your book [The Wolf in a Suit] and I just wanted to say I cannot believe what you have been through.... especially with the children and teh revolting court system. 


And Anita, I am amazed by how beautifully you write and how you help people to understand dv with your tale about red riding hood. I have read lots of books on dv and haven't read anything quite like yours. You are truly a brilliant lady. Thank you for writing your incredible book.


As many ppl as possible need to read ur book! I'm completely in awe of you and your creativity with connecting dv to the story of red riding hood".


Jane Power

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